157° Anniversario Guardia Costiera

design This project was created for the celebration event of the 157° anniversary of the Body of the Harbour offices of Venice at Teatro La Fenice. Previous Next For the event was designed the anniversary logo and a series of promotional artifacts, such as the poster, the playbill and a rollup, which were placed inside […]

Guardian Safely Around

design Guardian is an app on urban security, designed to provide protection to users who may find themselves on a journey in situations of vulnerability or danger. How does it work? The user who needs help, activating the protection mode automatically sends a request to its guardians who are nearby, or a list of trusted […]

Cat Museum

design The Cat Museum is a museum dedicated to the cat from an artistic, historical and cultural point of view, for which was designed the corporate identity and a brand manual. The logo depicts the cat seen from above, in its typical curled-up position which, according to the ancient Egyptians, represented a state of deep […]

Le api di Anna

design Anna self-produces chestnut and acacia honey, two spontaneous blooms of the Volpago del Montello wood, where she lives. For her brand, were designed the logo and the packaging of the three types of honey jars. The packaging reflects Anna’s personality and lifestyle: passion, care for the well-being of her bees and her clients, respect […]